
Here in the UK, there are thousands of people trapped in debt whose lives are being destroyed. Today, they will miss meals. Tomorrow, they will choose between heating their homes or having clean clothes. 1 in 3 even consider suicide*. Anyone can see that's wrong and you can help stop it. Please note, that currently all donations to Vineyard Compassion will be allocated towards the areas of priority need during this time of crisis, currently Foodbank and Social Supermarket at this time.


Other Ways To Give

Standing Order 

This is our preferred method as the bank charges no fee to you for this form of giving. If you have internet banking you can set up regular giving yourself using these details: 

Vineyard Compassion
Bank: Danske Bank
Sort Code: 95-02-77 Account No: 9021 9843
Account Name: Vineyard Compassion
Reference: Please insert your full name

You can give by cheque and post it to our offices. Please make the cheque payable to ‘Vineyard Compassion’.

Gift Aid

By filling out a Gift Aid declaration we will be able to claim Gift Aid on your behalf which increases your donation with 25%. This means that for each £1 you donate to us, we will receive an additional 25p, free of charge for you. If you’ve not yet registered Gift Aid with us, please click on the button below and fill out our online form.