About Vineyard Compassion

Our Story

Vineyard Compassion is a charity based in Coleraine, Northern Ireland. The aim of the charity is to support people ‘from crisis to full potential’, by providing practical support for the poor in the local community, whilst empowering them to tackle the underlying root causes of poverty.

Recognising the significant deprivation in the local area and with a desire to encourage and empower vulnerable people to overcome poverty and crisis, Vineyard Compassion was established. The charity launched a range of community-based projects that offer a holistic approach to tackling poverty and its underlying root causes. Vineyard Compassion takes a multi-faceted approach in addressing these complex issues to maximise the potential for lasting community transformation. Projects have been developed ever since the first Compassion Christmas Dinner in 2001 with the charity formally established in March 2012.

These multi- faceted projects are making a real difference to the lives of thousands of people in the Causeway Coast and Glens area. Vineyard Compassion has been privileged to see dignity and hope for the future restored to thousands of people who are trapped in poverty cycles, with many going on to reach their full potential in life.

The projects are supported by 21 staff (10 full-time and 11 part-time) along with over 200 volunteers annually. The majority of volunteers are from the local community with a wide spectrum of backgrounds and abilities. Many volunteers are former clients who are now in a position to help others.

Motivated by compassion for the most vulnerable in society and recognising the dignity and worth of every individual - the charity welcomes all people regardless of background, beliefs, nationality or disability. The charity is privileged to work alongside many statutory agencies and community/voluntary organisations towards the shared goal of tackling local poverty. It not only receives referrals from these organisations but also signposts and refers clients to them for specialist support.  The charity seeks to avoid duplication in service provision. Where gaps exist or current provision is unable to cope with demand, it looks for ways to launch projects that meet genuine needs in a sustainable and effective way.

Hope Centre

Up until April 2018, all Vineyard Compassion projects operated from different venues scattered across a 10-acre site. The Foodbank operated out of an old portacabin; the Clothing Bank operated out of an agricultural shed; the Link project was in a different warehouse, the Debt centre was in a wooden cabin. The functionality and quality of these environments were not ideal and far from ‘excellent’, needing significant improvement to promote the dignity of clients. The most pressing issue was that the projects were located far from each other. This made a significant difference to clients. As they were encouraged to access further support, engaging in each new venue created an additional hurdle to overcome due to their feelings of vulnerability and the need to explain their situation again to unfamiliar people.

For example, a client engaged with the Foodbank out of desperation and in a vulnerable state.  Vineyard Compassion completed an initial assessment during which it uncovered the complex range of issues which contributed to the crisis need. It signposted the client to support avenues within the charity and outside it to assist in tackling these problems. It was noted that often, even though clients wanted to engage in further programmes, they were fearful, lacking the confidence to attend another new venue and go over their story again with different staff. All their emotional energy had been spent.

In response to these needs Vineyard Compassion launched a vision to bring all the projects under one roof through the construction of a purpose-built facility we call the Hope Centre. This removes the barrier to continued engagement. Clients will only have to enter ONE DOOR and go over their story ONCE. They could develop trust and confidence in the one facility which becomes familiar and place of hope.  The Compassion Support team will connect with all new clients at the initial contact point. Clients will then be introduced to the key people delivering all programmes. Staff will assist clients as they engage in a variety of projects, through a tailor-made support plan.

Between 2015 and 2018, over £850,000 of capital funding was raised by volunteers and the local community to make this dream a reality. The remainder of funding came from various charitable trusts. Building commenced in May 2017 and the Hope Centre was completed in April 2018 as an annex to the existing Causeway Coast Vineyard church facility.

Vineyard Compassion is fully committed to this ‘gateway’ project as it opens the door to all the other projects within the charity. It is confident that the Hope Centre will enable many more people to access integrated and holistic support that effectively addresses poverty issues and sees people move from ‘crisis to full potential’. This will bring lasting benefit for generations of families in the local community.