Sustaining Tenancies Project Info

Introduction & Background

Vineyard Compassion - Vineyard Compassion (VC) is a charity based in the Hope Centre (off Ballycastle Rd, Coleraine). The vision of the charity is to support people ‘from crisis to full potential’, by providing practical, emotional or financial support at their crisis points of need, whilst empowering them to tackle the underlying root causes of poverty. VC has been privileged to see dignity & hope restored to thousands of people trapped in poverty cycles through a range of innovative projects delivered locally.

Emotional Wellbeing Service - VC has been delivering one to one counselling (talking therapy) & therapeutic group work (emotional resilience) to individuals across the Causeway Coast & Glens since 2015 through contracts with the NHS & funded programs with local organisations. This initiative is called the Emotional Wellbeing Service (EWS) – designed to ensure that people get the support they need, when they need it most. We know that mental health can improve significantly when people build good relationships with the right support, have a sense of purpose & are given support to increase resilience to overcome adversity.

CAP Money Management - CAP has been supporting local people with money management training since 2010.

Open Door - drop in café -  The Open Door has been running drop-in session since 2011, providing a befriending, emotional support & signposting service.

RESET - Social Supermarket - RESET was launched in 2018 as one of 5 Social Supermarket pilots across N. Ireland, funded by the Dept for Communities and helps reset priorities of Food, Finance and Future Stability

Sustaining Tenancies - Northern Ireland Housing Executive Funding  (NIHE)

VC have launched a funded programme to meet the needs of NIHE housing tenants in order to sustain tenancies. It aims to:

Support NIHE tenants with their mental health, tackle isolation & improve the skills & tools they have to manage their daily lives – resulting in sustained tenancies.

Tenants can be supported through any one of the services:

Open Door drop in café – This relaxed café environment puts people at ease, where with a befriender over a coffee, people can receive support tailored to their unique needs.  It reduces loneliness, builds community & offer links to other places of support. Emergency provisions such as food, clothing or household essentials can be accessed. Sessions: Tues, Wed, Fri 11:30am-1pm & Thurs 7-8pm.

Donation Based Counselling - talking therapy & mental health support (in person/video/phone). Helps build resilience & develop new ways of coping with difficult emotions & situations. Based on suggested donations ranging from £3 to £40 a session depending on the persons income/circumstances & is entirely voluntary.

Money Management (budgeting) course – Two session course that explains basic money skills & how to take control over personal finances. Helps people gain a better understanding of what they earn & spend, how to set up a manageable budget, get their accounts in order & learn to save.

CAP Money Matters - 1:1 budgeting session: This is a 1:1 ‘learn how to budget’ session which takes place during the Open Door sessions the first week of the month.

RESET Social Supermarket - Helps reset the priorities of food, finance and future stability by providing members with the opportunity to shop in our reduced cost online food shop (30% of RRP) for 6 months alongside engaging in our wraparound support projects. It is a membership programme where members pay a weekly membership subscription to shop for a variety of fresh, frozen & store cupboard food products.

Remote Tenant Support call - Compassion Support team will offer triage and needs assessment via a phone call to provide support and signposting to NIHE tenants within the CCGC area who live in remote areas or who are unable to access the Hope Center in Coleraine. REFERRALS ONLY via NIHE staff.

Emergency Support for White Goods - This is an emergency funding program to provide financial assistance to purchase white goods and/or essential household items to any NIHE tenant in need across the CCGC area. This is a very limited amount of funding, so in general only item of ‘white goods’ per family unless in exceptional circumstances and this is authorised by senior NIHE staff - REFERRALS ONLY via NIHE staff.

When to REFER a NIHE tenant

Tenancy instability or breakdown can occur at any stage of the tenancy & can be triggered by negative circumstances such as:

Anxiety  >>  Stress  >>  Depression  >>  Anger  >>  Unhealthy Behaviours  >>  Addiction  >>  Loneliness  >>  Abuse  >>  Bereavement  >> Unemployment  >>  Relationship Breakdown  >>  Apathy  >>  Loss of Income  >>  Rent Arrears  >>  Isolation   >>   Avoidance   >>   Low Mood   >>  Low Motivation   >>   Trauma  >>  Illness  >>  Not Sleeping  >>  Disputes  >>  Not Coping  >>  Lethargic

If a tenant struggles with any of these issues & would like to receive some support listed above - please complete a referral for the tenant (with consent) using the link below:

Eligibility: Only individuals living in NIHE properties are eligible for support.

Location: Support services are delivered from the Hope Centre in Coleraine, apart from Remote Tenant Support & Emergency Support for White Goods which can cover the whole of the Causeway Coast and Glens.

Feedback: Once a month VC staff will report back to NIHE staff a list of the referred tenants who have engaged for the first time within a support service.

Further information / any questions - please email for any queries.