Volunteer at Vineyard Market

The Vineyard Market runs on the first Saturday of the month and creates a unique sense of community & provides local traders and producers the opportunity to sell directly to the community.

First Saturday of the month (or every other month) with various shifts 7.30am - 9.30am/ 8.30am - 11.30am/ 11.00am - 2.00pm

Registration of traders: use our online check in software to check in our traders
Car parking: helping to park both our traders and the public
Collection bucket: collect the £1 per adult entrance fee
Donations stall: help on our Compassion stall selling donated items
Clothing stall: assist the public in purchasing clothes
Clear up: clear the site

If you have a few hours to spare, one Saturday a month and would like to join us at the Largest Car Boot Sale, Farmers Market & Craft Fair in Northern Ireland then please apply on the main page using the form at the bottom.